
29 Results / Page 1 of 4



Indosat dan Circle Creative Berkolaborasi: Mengubah Permainan Bisnis dengan Teknologi Digital Mutakhir!

Bali, 7 Mei 2024 - Perhatian para pelaku usaha di Indonesia! Era baru transformasi digital telah tiba! Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IOH), raksasa telekomunikasi, dan Circle Creative, pakar branding dan teknologi, menjalin kerjasama strategis untuk menghadirkan solusi digital terdepan bagi bisnis Anda. Revolusi Digital untuk UMKM, Startup, dan Perusahaan Besar Kolaborasi ini menandakan era baru bagi UMKM, startup, dan perusahaan besar di Indonesia. Melalui platform SaaS dan API berlangganan, IOH dan […]

todayMei 14, 2024 117 1


Mengukir Sejarah Baru: Classy NetRadio Indonesia Bergandengan Tangan dengan Circle Creative Menuju Era Revolusi Iklan Digital

PT. Classy NetRadio Indonesia, radio terkemuka di Surabaya, dengan bangga mengumumkan kemitraan strategisnya dengan PT. Lingkar Kreasi, yang dikenal luas sebagai Circle Creative, melalui inisiatif terbaru mereka, Pluses Media. Sebagai bagian dari kolaborasi inovatif ini, Classy NetRadio Indonesia akan menjadi salah satu Advertising Provider unggulan di marketplace Pluses Media yang bakal resmi diluncurkan pada kuartal pertama tahun 2024. Pluses Media, suatu revolusi dalam dunia periklanan digital yang dirintis oleh Circle […]

todayOktober 26, 2023 615 8 11


Suara Baru Ekosistem Startup: Classy NetRadio Indonesia dan Startupedia Melangkah Bersama Menuju Masa Depan Inovatif

Di tengah lautan inovasi dan semangat memajukan bisnis di Indonesia, PT. Classy NetRadio Indonesia, perintis radio terkemuka di Surabaya, dan PT. Lingkar Kreasi, yang dikenal sebagai Circle Creative, venture builder kreatif dan inovatif yang didirikan oleh Steeve Andrian, Direktur, pendiri, dan pencetus sandbox startup Startupedia, bersatu untuk memberdayakan ekosistem startup di Indonesia. Kolaborasi ini merupakan titik awal baru yang menjanjikan bagi para pemimpin masa depan industri startup di Indonesia. Sebagai […]

todayOktober 22, 2023 595 24 17


Classy NetRadio Surabaya dan Circle Creative Menghadirkan Radio Online Berkualitas Tinggi

Suatu terobosan spektakuler menggema di dunia penyiaran Indonesia saat ini, dengan PT. Classy NetRadio Indonesia, pionir tak terbantahkan dalam industri penyiaran radio Surabaya, dan PT. Lingkar Kreasi, yang terkenal sebagai Circle Creative, pengembang multimedia kreatif terkemuka, merajut kemitraan strategis yang akan membawa hadir Radio Online berkualitas tinggi ke jantung pendengar digital. Keunggulan teknologi terbaru dan kreativitas tanpa batas Circle Creative akan mempersembahkan Radio Online ClassyNet. Aplikasi ini, yang diperkirakan akan […]

todayOktober 15, 2023 830 24 42

Electronic music

Portland EDM Greats Announce Break Up

The group announced the disbandment on Facebook with an official statement, followed by a more personal one from founder and singer John Monster saying the decision rested on his shoulders. If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week “I take full responsibility for the decision to part ways with […]

todayApril 2, 2020 403 7 19

Electronic music

4 Things That Kill Your Chances For Music Career Success What do you believe is the number one thing that musicians are doing to ruin their chances at succeeding in the music industry? Is it: not practicing their instrument enough? Not putting together enough good music industry connections? Living in a city with no music scene? The answer to all of this is NO - none of these things. There can be countless reasons why a musician would fail […]

todayApril 1, 2020 286 5 8

Electronic music

4 Questions About The Music Industry You Should NOT Be Asking

Chances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How do I know? I am sent e-mail messages on a constant basis by tons of musicians (all seeking the answers to the WRONG questions). These are questions that may seem like good questions on the top level, but are really highly damaging questions that take […]

todayMaret 27, 2020 320 14 15

Electronic music

Does A Woman Help Progression In Music?

As festival season rapidly rolls in, we’re constantly being reminded of the continuing lack of diversity on our lineups. With a recent study indicating 86 per cent of the lineups of 12 major music festivals last year including Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds and Creamfields were male, it seems that the ears at the top are still unwilling to break up the boys club that makes up our live music industry. […]

todayMaret 24, 2020 117 1

Electronic music

Skillax Escapes Paris Uber Protest ‘Attack’

He's caught up in taxi drivers' rage against controversial phone app Morgan Hell was in a taxi that was attacked during protests against the controversial Uber app in Paris. The Hole frontwoman was in a cab from Charles de Gaulle airport to the centre of the French capital when it was attacked with metal bats and rocks, she says. And she adds that her driver was at one point "taken […]

todayMaret 20, 2020 76 1
